
Body24 – Is it the best drink control app?

After changing careers I noticed myself gaining weight. My new job required me to sit more through the day, with less breaks. My body was
changing due not eating or drinking properly. Suddenly I didn’t like who I saw in the mirror. I knew the quickest change would be to increase my water intake, which was now only 60% of what I used to drink. I looked at different apps and found Body24 and thought to myself – Is it the best drink control app for me?

Things To Consider Before Downloading This App

With so many health and fitness apps on the market it is hard to narrow down which one is best for you. Some of us want to live a healthier lifestyle, become stronger, lose weight and more. One thing I think we can all agree is that simplicity is what we are looking for. I wanted to drink more water through the day so I wasn’t left to guzzle a big jug when I got home. I found this app extremely helpful and to be a one shot deal.

With the drink control and the calorie counter it was easy to get started. Actually, being able to see my progress log after the first few days had me extra motivated. I found myself making small goals for myself through the day, just so I could do better than the day before. Then I checked out the other features and fell in love. I didn’t feel the dead as I used to when checking on my progress. This app is really designed to guide you through a transformation. If the only objective for you is to drink more water, you may think about looking at Drink Reminder, which only monitors your water intake.

water drinking watch app

Presenting The Product

The selection and variety of fitness apps that are available is astonishing. Body24 is a health and fitness app that covers all our basic needs while going through our transformation. The versatility and user friendly interface make you excited to use it track your progress. You will find recipes, exercise, calorie counter and step counter to customize and monitor as you continue to use it.

Pro: Personalized recipes for all dietary needs, made by
nutrition specialists, which are completely personalized to only you.

Pro: Updated regularly with new information staying present with
everything from recipes to new information.

Pro: All in one app that conquers all the basic weight loss
steps, informing you along the way of your progress. No need to download
separate apps and keep separate logs anymore.

Con: New app there will be lots of updates at first to fix bugs
and improve performance.

Con: No social media status yet so there is no where to share
tips and tricks or progress with other members.

Con: App does not offer intense workouts. If you are looking to
gain lots of muscle mass or get shredded, you will not find the appropriate
work outs here.

Features And Benefits

The 3 things we all need to keep in mind while trying to lose weight is to drink more water, to eat healthier and to exercise. You want to burn more calories thank you intake.

Drinking Watch Dog

It is hard to drink enough water! This is no easy task. We wake up in the morning, grab a coffee and head to work, have a smoothie for a snack, add an iced tea for lunch and then why not have a nice cold beer for dinner? Our bodies love water. Water helps us lose weight, makes our skin look amazing, and helps our brain functionality. Our bodies also need water to survive. I mean, a grown adult’s body is made up of 60% so if we are choosing beer over water we are only fighting against our goals. The drink control on this app is called the Drinking Watch Dog. The Watch Dog is there to make sure we all get the efficient amount of H2O in our bodies.  Not only is water calorie free, our body burns calories while digesting the water. I threw some lemon slices in my water and started cutting out the artificial sugars. With in a few days I felt a difference.

Personalized Recipes

Another great feature is the personalized recipes. This is one of my favourite features because there is a huge library of recipes. I have been a vegetarian for several years and not once have I found an all in one app that caters to all kinds of dietary restrictions including vegetarians. I have always received the same meal plan as non vegetarians except instead of chicken I would be recommended to eat half a block of tofu. Thats not all though, they have recipes with meat, vegan and even recipes to follow for those who have allergies or intolerances. You wil  receive a unique plan based on your goals and you are NOT required to eat the same thing every day. You will get daily recipes meaning no more boring food prep and no more eating the same meal for a week straight. Unless the app could come to your house and cook for you, it couldn’t be easier to keep your food on track.

add water glass into application

Monitors Activities

Every step you take, every calorie you burn, this app will be there for you. Counting steps and calories through this app is addictive, I couldn’t stop checking my progress through the day. I take my dog for a small walk everyday. After seeing my progress for 3 days in a row and not being able to increase my activity I decided to take change the walking route just a little bit. When I got home and saw that I had actually walked an extra 600 steps I literally jumped for joy! The following day I put in my headphones and went for the same walk, but amped up the pace. Seeing I burned additional calories from such a small change was extremely motivating. I did some research on how to burn calories without hitting the gym. Remember that 1 pound of fat is equal to 3500 calories.

There are several small things you can add to your daily routine to see your activity levels elevate. Each one of the following will burn an extra 100 calories 25 minutes or yoga, 12 minutes of dancing, run stairs for 10 minutes, do yard work for 30 minutes, the list goes on.

Meals Selected By Work Out

Every day, as Body24 monitors your work outs, steps, water intake and calories burned, the app will use an algorithm that was created by Body24’s nutrition specialists. You will be given options and recipes that are customized to you, and you only due to the activities you did during that day. I have not been able to find anything like this, other than sitting down with a professional to write me a meal plan. This is truly amazing and you can make it fun when you get the hang of it. See what recipes are made for you on a day you hit the gym, or go for a hike. Then do the same on a less active day. Are the recipes better on your active day? Play around with the same concept for your water intake. Does that change anything? Yes, the more calories you burn during your activities the more your body will be able to digest and burn. Since drinking water essentially burns calories, you could make this into a game!

Closest Thing To A Health Coach

I tried hiring a coach a few times and every 2 weeks when I had to send in my progress shots I would anxiously wait for a response. I was given the same diet plan and work out routine as my friend who is also a vegetarian, even though our goals were nothing alike. I felt like I was a number. This app has the ability to do more than some health coaches. As many of them are not equipped with all of the knowledge that Body42 has. You don’t have to wait hours for a response with Body24 and I love that because I know what to plan for. This app ended up saving me a lot of money, which I saved up and took my self to the spa as a treat for myself after I lost my first 5 pounds! Nothing like a little extra motivation to get the job done, right?

Social Proof

I wanted to make sure this app was the one that would help me get out of my funk. I had already tried so many other things, and spent far to much money doing it. I wanted to feel confident that I was finally making the right decision. I searched online for reviews from people who have used the app to see what they said. Seeing the progress pictures was enough to motivate me, then I read some of the testimonials. Every single one I read was enthusiastic and you could tell the writer was happy. When I saw the transformation photo I was pleased to see such amazing changes. There is nothing better than seeing results from others in the same position as you. It encourages me to see proof that the formulas are working. Here are some testimonials I found:

users of water reminder
review of app users

Alternative Apps

I went through my app store to compare some of the other popular apps to this one. There are several out there that have high ratings with thousands of users. Knowing what app is best for you will help you lose weight according to your needs is important. It was hard for me to do a straight across comparison with another app, because I couldn’t fine one. There was no other all around app that had a drink counter. Here are a few popular health and fitness apps.


MyFitnessPal has been round for years. The focus of this free app is to lose weight. You can count calories, input and save your own recipes, records workouts and the calories you burn during those workouts. They have taken it upon themselves to add popular resultant menu items to their recipe library and they also have an easy to use bar code scanner for your groceries, to scan and add to your log. By using this information MyFitnessPal will recommend calorie intake in order to help you reach your goal. It is worth checking out this app as well as there are some differences.

Keep: Fitness & Workout Trainer

The Keep app is based around exercise in general. They have workout plans for beginners, intermediate and advanced, so you can follow whichever level you are currently at and strive for more.  The subscription costs $49.99 a year or if you choose to pay monthly the fee is $8.99. Although this app is popular for those of us who want to change our physique it is missing a crucial features such as, recipes, drink counter and calorie counter. In my opinion this app is something worth checking out once you are already in the swing of your new lifestyle.

FitPrism: Weight Loss

I like this app because it is also based on a general healthy lifestyle, instead of only one area of that lifestyle. It has great features like the home based work outs, which take less than 20 minutes and requires no equipment. You can select which area’s of your body that you want to target and you will receive a custom exercise plan. There is also a section for health tips such as, meal suggestions and how to develop healthy habits. For someone who isn’t looking to get a gym member ship this is a wonderful app to look up. There is a membership fee of $19 a month or $52 a year.

Even after using other apps and enjoying their features I found it easier to maintain a healthy lifestyle using Body24 because there was no pressure. I felt successful which made me feel the motivation I had been lacking. Im feeling better and looking better and I cant wait to see what I look like a few months from now! Click here to check this product out:

By Adriana

Enthusiastic runner, cooker and food lover. I love movement, quality foods and sport in nature.