

Have you tried french classic?

  1. Cut zucchini, paprika, onion and tomatoes on bigger pieces.
  2. Mix vegetable mix in the bowl with olive oil. Add spice and garlic according to taste.
  3. Mix everything and take it out into warmed up pan. Put lid on the pan and stew on low power for about 5 – 15 minutes.
  4. Occasionally stir the mix and stew it until vegetables gets soft. Then remove the lid for about 2 minutes, sometimes stir and let the juice evaporate a bit.
  5. Serve sprikled by parmesan cheese.

Refreshing vegetable smoothie

Enjoy refreshing smoothie.

  1. Peel the cucumber & apple, cut them on smaller pieces.
  2. Salad cut to smaller pieces too.
  3. All the ingredients put into mixer and mix them. Add water according to taste. Serve chilled.

Fruit Iceland yogurt

Fast snack.
Best served cold.


Prawns risotto

Let’s fall in love with risotto.

  1. Warm up 2 spoons of olive oil in the pan, and add chopped onion into it.
  2. Add rice and roast until it gets glassy.
  3. Slowly add broth into rice. Add lets say 100ml, wait till its absorbed by rice, then add next 100ml.
  4. Repeat this procedure, untill the rice is cooked. (If we run out of broth, we can use water).
  5. Mix thyme, rosemary and parsley into rice. Then add salt & pepper.
  6. Warm up another 2 spoons of olive oil in other pan.
  7. Add prawns and roast on low power. After a minute, add citron juice from half of a citron, and cook slow for about 5mins, stir it occasionally.
  8. Put roasted prawns with juice into rice mix and stir it.
  9. Serve the risotto sprikled by parsley and parmesan cheese.

Creamy beetroot risotto

  1. In a large pan, warm 2 tablespoons of olive oil.
  2. Add the finely chopped onion to the pan and bake it in the medium heat to brown.
  3. Rinse the garlic cloves add to the pan and leave for about 1 minute to fry.
  4. Add the rice into the pan and stew for 3-4 minutes.
  5. Pour approximately 800ml of broth into the rice and cook until the rice is fluffy. Add sterilized beetroote and stir.
  6. You can add salt and pepper according to your taste. Add butter, cream cheese and sprinkle the risotto with chopped dill.

Kiwi smoothie

Start your day with a refreshing green smoothie.

  1. Peel off and cut the fruit. Put the fruit in a large bowl or smoothie maker, add water and blend until the mixture is smooth and easy for drinking. For better taste put in a fridge for couple hours or add ice.
  2. Enjoy this amazing, quick vitamin bomb.

Yogurt snack with a drop of honey

Enjoy a hint of Greece with their favourite yogurt combo.

  1. Put a yogurt in a bigger bowl.
  2. Add chopped nuts and stir. Pour honey on top of the yogurt and serve.

Fresh Apple

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

Wash the apple, slice into quarters and serve.


Potato Gratin

Tender potato and slices smothered in a quick cheesy sauce and baked until golden.

  1. Begin by slicing the potatoes as thinly and uniform as possible.
  2. Preheat oven to 200 degrees. Lightly grease a baking dish with butter or oil.
  3. Arrange potato slices into layers into the prepared baking dish (edges overlapping). Sprinkle potatoes with your favourite seasoning. Pour over it an egg whisked with cream and put into an oven.
  4. Bake covered for 15-20 minutes (until potatoes are tender). Then take the cover of add cheese on top and bake for another 5-10 minutes (until cheese is golden).
  5. Take your potatoes out of the oven, let it cool down and serve.

Fitness zucchini pancake with parmesan cheese

A little different way, how to cook a notorious known food.

  1. Peel the zucchini and grade it on soft.
  2. Put the zucchini into big sieve and add little spoon of salt. Leave zucchini in sieve for about 10 minutes (it will leave juice nicely). Then squeeze last bit of water and dry it with clean towel.
  3. Put dry zucchini into bowl and add all other ingredients.
  4. Create small pancakes from the mix. Roast them on lowly warmed up pan without oil, from both sides, unlit it looks golden.
  5. Serve pancakes warm or cold. For better taste you can add a spoon of sour cream.